Our Environment

Our Environment

Introduction :

NEO is concerned and feels totally responsible to run its business in a sustainable way so as to manage the impact of the business on the environment. Global warming is a major issue now in the world. Moreover industrial pollutants disposal is a major concern. NEO is totally aware of these issues and takes proper responsibility on the part it has to play.

Dyes and Chemicals :

Zipper manufacturing involves many different dyes and chemicals.

Dyes are bought mainly from Oeko-tex Certified manufacturer.
As NEO is a OEKO-TEX CERTIFIED manufacturer, certain chemicals cannot be used for zipper manufacturing which are harmful to the user as well to the environment. NEO strictly follows the OEKO-TEX code.

Waste Water :

An effluent treatment plant is there to make waste water environmental friendly. The plant turns the waste water free of any pollutants as required by the Bangladesh Environmental Department of the Government of Bangladesh.
  • Biological oxygen demand (BOD) measures the organic pollution in water
  • Chemical oxygen demand (COD) also measures the pollutants in water
  • Total suspended solids measures the amount of solid particles of pollution suspended in waste water

Transportation :

NEO is very concerned to cut down the carbon dioxide emission through proper use of motor vehicles.

  • Most vehicles are running on Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). CNG is a environmental friendly fuel for motor vehicles
  • The boiler is run of natural gas
  • NEO makes sure all rented vehicles are run on CNG as well
  • NEO makes economical use of all vehicles
  • All drivers are trained to use the economic use of fuel to run the vehicles
  • All drivers are banned from idling
  • Proper maintenance of all vehicles is done for them to run most efficiently
Water Chillers
Water chillers is used to cool all machineries so as not to waste energy and keep the temperature of the machine and factory at tolerant levels. Water chillers uses recycled water which allows NEO to use minimum quantity of water.

NEO keeps its effort to optimize the use of electricity
  • NEO has installed inverter for each major machinery
  • NEO has installed power factor indicator (PFI) for the plant
  • NEO has installed auto voltage regulator for the plant

Natural Gas
NEO keeps its effort to optimize the use of electricity
  • NEO is using Natural Gas for its boiler
  • NEO is using Natural Gas for all its cooking
  • NEO has installed auto voltage regulator for the plant

Smoke Free Zone
NEO keeps its effort to optimize the use of electricity
  • NEO follows “Smoke Free Zone” policy for all its premises