Global Compliance & Code of Conduct

Global Compliance & Code of Conduct


NEO is an international zipper manufacturing company who has set up a Code of Conduct basically in accordance with the "Labor Law of Bangladesh, 2006". As Bangladesh is a signatory of ILO, the Bangladesh Labor Laws follows the charter of ILO

NEO is fully aware of the "Labor Law of Bangladesh, 2006" and implements them fully.

Legal Requirements
NEO follows the "Labor Law of Bangladesh 2006". NEO has been maintaining all legal and statutory requirements of the country

In NEO there is no forced or bonded employment. All employment is free to choose. Employees are free to leave their employment at any time after giving reasonable notice to employer

Working Conditions

Safety and Security

NEO is concerned and implements the accessibility, physical and procedural security. Workers are trained to understand the safeties of work before being actively employed. Education, awareness and training are a continuous process to implement safety and security. All safety measures are taken by NEO to give workers a good working condition. Workers uses hand gloves, face masks, ear plugs etc wherever necessary. Adequate steps are taken to prevent or minimize accidents or injury


NEO gives great importance of hygiene of the working environment as well as of the workers

  • Filtered drinking water is supplied for all employees
  • All are trained of the benefits of washing hands and keeping oneself clean
  • Factory is cleaned everyday along with toilets
  • Proper lighting, fresh air are maintained
  • No crowding in the work place
  • NEO bears all medical expenses of employees for any working hour's injury or accident


NEO keeps the best of the environment

Satisfactory factory and office environment in terms of working conditions including cleanliness, fresh air etc etc.

NEO has Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) which treats the industry effluent into normal safe water. NEO adheres to all local laws in protecting the environment as required. Each year NEO is bound to take Environment Certificate from Department of Environment of the Government of Bangladesh. The certificate is as proof of NEO following all rules and regulations of the Bangladesh Government in terms of environment. The water is then passed through the drainage. Effluent is considered as per the of "Environment Adhidaptar of Bangladesh (Bangladesh Government Environment Department)" standards

Notice and Record
The Global Compliance program requirements are posted in the factory in an accessible place and in local language, so all factory workers and personnels can read and understand. NEO keeps current and detail records for any company to determine their Global Compliance Program.

Freedom of Association
All workers have the right to establish and join any legal organization of their own choosing. NEO does not penalize or obstruct such rights of workers.

Child Labor

NEO base its policy on child labor on the "Labor Law of Bangladesh, 2006" where no recruit of any child or anyone of less than 18 years is done

NEO recognizes the rights of every child to be protected from any sort of exploitation.

Wages, Benefits and Working hours :

NEO pays wages and benefits according to the standard of the "Labor Law of Bangladesh 2006" whichever is higher and that is enough to meet the basic needs. Wages and benefits are given after the 1st week of following month.
Deduction of wages is not done for any disciplinary measure
Working hours complies the "Labor Law of Bangladesh, 2006" 
Workers do not work more than 48 hours a week. 
At least one day off for every week of work.
Overtime is voluntary and do not exceed 12 hours per week. It is not a regular phenomenon. It is only done at buyer's emergency and only which is allowed in the "Labor Law of Bangladesh, 2006

Factory conditions

The factory condition is kept clean and free from pollutants.
Air coolers and exhaust fans are activated as required to keep the temperature to tolerant level. Adequate ventilation is provided.
The lighting in each workplace is sufficient for works to be performed correctly at all times.
Sanitary facilities are clean and adequate as per requirement.

NEO have an affirmative policy in providing equal opportunities without regard to race, religion, creed, color, sex, age or national origin except where age or sex is a bona fide occupational qualification.

Harassment and Abuse
NEO have strict policy of zero tolerance of any sort of harassment and abuse. NEO strictly deals with anyone involved in such and company takes disciplinary action based on company policy.

Medical Facilities

  • First aid facilities with trained personnel are available
  • NEO has medical arrangement with local medical center to give full medical support to workers in case of accidents or injury
  • NEO provides Doctor support if needed
  • NEO bears all expenses of any accident or injury
  • As NEO zipper is supplying to world renowned buyers of Europe, America, Canada, Australia etc, we have to comply with "Global Compliance & Code of Conduct" as required internationally