NEO operates as an ethically motivated company. The business ethics is applied to both inside and the outside the company.
Two separate Codes of Ethics are applied for suppliers and employees in NEO.
Suppliers Code of Ethics :
Total ban on offering, giving or soliciting any advantage to anyone in NEO for Procuring business. |
Materials to be supplied as per committed quality on agreed time and price. If the supplier fails to do so, he is bound to take agreed responsibility of the loss incurred by NEO for such. |
Must follow the law of the land as a company. |
Must have total anti-corruption policy. |
Must follow all business agreements. |
Must not be involved into activities which may have the conflict of interest with or of NEO. |
Employees Code of Ethics :
Confidentiality of company's information and all records while in company and after leaving the company. |
Confidentiality of company's policy and strategy while in the company and after leaving the company. |
Employees are bounded by the law of the land. If any such circumstance arises that there is a conflict of company's interest and the law of the land, the law of the land will prevail. |
No acceptance of any advantage from any company or individual of any sort is allowed. |
All employees must follow the company's policy to the core. |
No employee will be engaged in any sort of gambling, drugs or any activity which is considered subversive by the company and/or by the land. |
NEO follows total anti-corruption policy. Business relation should be strictly professional and no exchanges of gifts in cash or kind is accepted or allowed. |
NEO employees should keep the confidentiality of the buyers as well as of the suppliers as required. |
NEO employees should be a model citizen and comply to the law of the land wherever they are |
All recruitments in NEO are transparent in nature. |
NEO does not provide any political contribution of any sort. |
NEO though reserves the right to do lobbying where necessary within ethical boundary for the betterment of its business. |
NEO monitors all matters of the Code of Ethics of both employees and suppliers and failure of which can result in termination of employee or supplier. |